Tweed Palliative Support
Tweed Palliative Support Inc. is a multi-award-winning charity founded in 1998.
We are a well-established community run organisation that provides free and donation based support services for people living with a life-limiting illness. TPS “hospice-at-home” service is designed to keep people in their homes for as long as possible by providing help with shopping, personal care, transport to medical appointments as well as respite for the primary carer. If it is not feasible to remain at home, people are offered the opportunity to come to Wedgetail Retreat.
We also loan medical equipment such as electric hospital beds, wheelchairs, etc. Each year TPS trains up to 20 new volunteers who then take on various roles within the charity: home respite, transport, office work, fundraising or assisting the Registered Nurses at the Hospice. Wedgetail Retreat operates on a donation basis.